Queens Is Burning: Inferno Disembowels House In South Richmond Hill


A vacant two-story building went up in flames in South Richmond Hill on Wednesday, Sept. 29 night.

The fire began at the back of house, which is located at 105-04 133 St., at about 10:48 p.m. and quickly became a two-alarm fire, according to FDNY officials.

The first arriving units encountered heavy fire, and were hampered by a heavy clutter, smoke and fire conditions throughout the house.

A nearby resident said it wasn’t the first time there was a fire at the location, saying there was another fire there “a few years” ago.

Najari Sigh, another nearby resident, said the conditions of the vacant house “are basically unlivable.”

Another resident at the scene was screaming at an alleged squatter to “get out of the neighborhood.”

The Department of Buildings made sure to put a full vacate order notice on the house to discourage further squatting by the accelerating homeless population, which is currently pushing close to 80,000.

Safe bet even the housing insecure will give this blackened pile of crap a hard pass



This 99-year-old house is racked up over 30 complaints and over 100 violations in the last decade and racked up over $700,000 in fines for recidivist illegal construction.

And it shows.

Way to ruin the neighbor’s house, fellas.


Rest in peace. Make way for another McMansion or luxury public housing. (more to come about that bullshit)

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